
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo celebrations


Meet Tomas, the taco pinata.  He is my latest masterpiece.  Sadly, he was beaten to death earlier this evening... but on a brighter note, he left behing many *sweet* memories (not to mention treats and toys).

Happy Cinco de Mayo,  Tomas -and to all you lovely folks too!

We had a great day today -filled with great food, good company and fun!
We made enchiladas for supper.  See my previous post here for more info on the food. 

Here are some more photos

Carter getting ready for the beating

Tomas, before he got all pimped out in his fiesta attire

Oh, papier mache, how I love thee!  So messy, so fun, so easy, so green (recycling those millions of unwanted flyers I get each week).... what more could a girl ask for?